We write copy and content to help your business take the edge off. (Literally.) Whether you like drinking fishbowl margaritas in your free time or smoking sixty-nine cigarettes, you could be taking the edge off, while we write your copy. (Think landing pages, blog posts, emails, and more.)
your friendly erotic? inclusive thiccc? groovy weird? titillating creative copywriting studio
We're (un)certified specialists in poop jokes. coriander. boxed wine. dad bods. budgie smugglers. copywriting.
Woords is Australia's friendly creative copywriting studio.
Ereht ih. We're Woords—a creative studio based in Australia. And we write woords* in exchange for money.
*Yes, we've misspelt "words". Nice one, Sherlock. Is Watson there, too? No, but seriously, "words.com" was too expensive, and we didn't want to start an only fans just to pay off the debt. (We'll start one if this copywriting thing doesn't work out. So, don't hire us if you want to see us naked.)

Why so serious?
We don’t take ourselves too seriously, so we work with businesses that feel the same way. If you don’t, you can still hire us. (Because we can fight your writer’s block like a chubby kid fights a vending machine. Now, that’s ferocious.) We’ll just need to charge you extra for being boring.

Your friendly neighbourhood copywriters
We’re a group of very friendly Australian copywriters and content writers. But, we’re really just a bunch of pencil-wielding storytellers and creatives. And we’re keen to help businesses (like yours) reduce the friction and wasted hours that come with generating copy and content of your own.
We love to brag, and here's what our mum (and others) said about us:
“I'm glad that at least one of them got a job. Now clean the dishes.”
Anonymous MumShe was not coerced. (OK. Maybe she was.)
“Oh, stop it, you cutie.”
That Guy Who Serves Us At The Coffee ShopWe wish we had more friends.
“Woords are good. Be friends with Woords.”
H & AssociatesA real client.
How we work
We call this the ASS method.